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Maxrects-lua Documentation

Limited docs for now, but enough to explain the general idea of how to use the module.

or back to start.


Using maxrects.lua is as easy as requiring it, calling and then away you go. Here is an example:

require 'maxrects'
-- a packer for a 256 x 256 rectangle space
Packer =,256)
-- insert a rectangle! (and attach our data to it)
Packer:insert(32, 32, { img = 'sprite1.png' } )

Of course, this does little. Let's say we had an array of sprite images we want to pack into a texture map:

-- sprites to pack into the map
OurSprites = { { 32, 32, 'tileA.png' },
 { 32, 32, 'tileB.png' },
 { 32, 32, 'tileC.png' } }
-- a packer for a 256 x 256 rectangle space
Packer =,256)
-- insert a rectangle! (and attach our data to it)
local c = 1
local sprite = OurSprites[c]
while sprite do
 Packer:insert(sprite[1], sprite[2], sprite[3])
 c = c + 1
 sprite = OurSprites[c]

So above we have an array of tables, each table containing an array of { WIDTH, HEIGHT, IMG_NAME }. We iterate over that array of tables, inserting each into the rectangle held by Packer. Though, we have made one error of omission. You see :insert(width,height,data) returns a value: true, if the rect will fit and false, if the rect won't fit. Let's adjust the loop to reflect that:

while sprite do
 if not Packer:insert(sprite[1], sprite[2], sprite[3]) then
  error("Packer:insert() no more room!")
 c = c + 1
 sprite = OurSprites[c]

Ok, now we catch that condition and error() out to reflect the problem. This is all well and good, but once you have the rectangles packed what then? We haven't actually made a texture map or anything, just assigned rectangle locations for the sprites. The module offers a function :iterate(func,other) which will call func() on all the rectangles in the collection. Like so:

-- ok, so draw the things into the texture
function DrawSprite(rect)
 -- rect is: { x, y, width, height }
 -- we assigned a filename to, so pass that here
 -- we assume TheImage is the target to draw on

So who knows what you are going to put into DoTheDraw(), that would be dependent on the software engine you are using. This is enough so you can see the semantics of how you iterate over all the contents to make a final image. Below I'll off up some code for LÖVE that'll expand on this a bit, and provide actual functionality.


Maxrects-lua defines a rectangle in a table as so:

  • Array indexes 1, 2, 3, and 4 are X, Y, Width, and Height respectively. e.g. If you wanted to calculate the area of a rectangle: rect[3] * rect[4] is Width * Height.
  • The field 'data' is user assigned to any Lua value and is there to contain information about what the rectangle represents. It is also valid for .data to be nil.


All the exposed functions of this module, with in-depth explanations.,height,//canflip//)

  • width: The width of the full packing rectangle.
  • height: The height of the full packing rectangle.
  • canflip: optional Boolean, default false. If true the algorithm can flip rectangles for better fit.
  • return: A table containing an instance of the packing algorithm, with the ability to store inserted rectangles.

Creates a new instance of a packing algorithm. This can be bypassed if you ever just need on instance, calling MaxRects:init(width,height,canflip) allows you to call later MaxRects:insert(), etc. The .new() is protected from changes you might make using MaxRects: calls and will always return a blank instance.

maxrects-lua.1613231850.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/13 07:57 by muragami